Locked Box Remastered is lyaaave!
I'm so happy that this novel is back out in the world, all polished with an additional novella. I hope you like <3 Buy links: ...

New Locked Box Novella extract
Chapter One Greta smiled her psychologist smile. Somehow it managed to be both warm and knowing, without any trace of condescension. For...

Magical Locked Box Remastered cover reveal!
🦄It's magical cover reveal time again gang!🦄 The full and magestical Locked Box remastered cover is now available via my newsletter...

Degrees of Control release!!!1!
Um so you guys know how sexy premature things are? Yeah, I had some complications with the Degrees of Control Remastered release and long...

Degrees of Control Remastered Cover reveal!
Yes. It is here and I love it. Degrees of Control Remastered will be coming out on January 30, 2018 with an additional novella and I...

New Living Dangerfieldy newsletter
🐺 The new Living Dangerfieldy newsletter is live from my half-fried holiday brain! It's full of words and wolves and what have you! Read...

Act Your Age
I made the second round of #SSceneC2017 and I would just love if you could go to Scorching Book Reviews and vote for me! Also, if you're...

Vote #1 Act Your Age!
So AYA has a scene in the 2017 Sex Scene championship! To all my beautiful readers, please take a second to vote up this kinky piece of...

Act Your Age is LIVE! 💖
"I'll make you see god Middleton, I'll make you think I am god." Ty is here and he's eager to please! If that quote doesn't sway you, how...

Act Your Age up for Pre Order! ❤️
As release day draws nearer only one thing is certain you should pre order the fuck out of Act Your Age! For Kindle pre orders click HERE...