Taunt sequel scrappies
While wading through my files I found some preliminary stuff I wrote for the never to be Taunt sequel Mock and one part was so cute I...

Velvet Cruelty WHOLE CHAPTER excerpt!
For anyone curious about my modern-day Snow White novel here's an entire chapter of Velvet Cruelty! Come meet my four twisted heroes. and...

My Snow White novel has arrived...
Kindle iBooks Kobo Nook Google Play ★★★★★ I love Eve's writing, the woman is simply not afraid to go there. And this book definitely went...

Velvet Cruelty Excerpt
My modern Snow White tale VC iscoming out on October 11, 2022 Available for pre-order now! Kindle iBooks Kobo Nook Google Play Goodreads...

My Upcoming Snow White novel...
I’m writing a modern-day Snow White trilogy for Dangerous Press and I AM THRILLED ABOUT IT! Velvet Cruelty is now available for pre-sale!...

The Act Your Age AUDIOBOOK is here!
Act Your Age is live on Audible and a bunch of other platforms! The voice artist Bridie Lawrence is a veteran romance narrator and she...

Living Dangerfieldy May Newsletter-Radish and Audiobook updates
✨Living Dangerfiedly May✨has arrived with a bunch of special updates and a free book link! 💜

First and Forever Release Day!
IT’S RELEASE DAY!!!! 💜💜💜 First and Forever is live and my heart is entirely full! I wanted to pose in a wedding dress à la Eden behind...

First and Forever excerpt AKA Victorian Doctor roleplay
Heavy footsteps on the floorboards, then the door swung open to reveal Willow. He wore a white coat and suspenders, and his red hair was...

First and Forever Cover reveal!
First and Forever is now available for pre-sale on all platforms. Kindle iBooks B&N Kobo Google Play Goodreads This is the third novel in...